
GVI – identify damages, degradation and other aspects that may impair the integrity of the asset. NDE for Crown plates of the legs and designated pre-selected welds on the Jacket Structure. We used nine of our Tchnicians to complete anual inspection services to our client.  List of offshore converter platforms, that ALprojects Group Techncians performing structural inspections of crown plates and the quality of the welds:

  1. Borwin Alpha
  2. Borwin Beta
  3. Borwin Gamma
  4. Dolwin Alpha
  5. Dolwin Beta
  6. Dolwin Gamma
  7. Helwin Alpha
  8. Helwin Beta
  9. Sylwin Alpha

DolWin Clustter is a high voltage direct current link built to transmit offshore wind power to the power grid of the German mainland. DolWin is part of an ambitious programme of providing grid connections to offshore wind parks off the coast of Germany, in the German Bight, as part of the German Energiewende (Energy Transition) programme. DolWin cluster named after the bay of Dollart on the German/Dutch border.

HVDC has been chosen for most of the grid connections because the relatively long distance involved – both from the wind park to shore and from the shore to the nearest suitable connection point to the onshore grid – makes conventional alternating current transmission uneconomic.

The offshore converter station is used to convert the alternating current (AC) generated by the connected wind farms into DC. The DC power runs via subsea and land cables to the converter station onshore, where it is re-converted into AC. This is also the grid junction point which makes the connection to the German transmission grid.

Converter platforms are installed at water depths of 27 to 40 metres and project between 40 and 60 metres out of the water. This means that the part of the platform above water is about twice as high. The stations are usually more than 100 kilometres from the mainland and therefore not visible from land.